Welcome to Mountain Top League Basketball!
In-Season Basketball Clinics
When: Saturdays (1/4 - 4/26)
Where: Edison Middle School
Cost: $20/session ($10 with MTL Basketball code)
Click to register: https://registration.teamsnap.com/form/14246
2016-2017 MTL Basketball 9th/10th Grade Highlights
2016-2017 MTL Basketball Middle School Highlights
This season marks the 37th year of the Mountain Top League Basketball program.
The program is co-sponsored by the West Orange Recreation Department.
This is the most exciting recreational youth sports program in West Orange.
The MTL Basketball Program is organized and managed by a small group of volunteer trustees.
All of our teams benefit from many parent coaches who have been working with our children for several years.
We welcome those who are interested in helping run our programs. Contact us at basketball.mtl@gmail.com
Please direct any questions to basketball.mtl@gmail.com