Registration for new and returning players invited to join a travel soccer team for the 2024-2025 season. Si necesita ayuda para registrarse en español, comuníquese con
The 2024-2025 program includes:
Preseason training sessions in July & August
Fall season: Approximately 12 weeks of twice-weekly practices run by a professional coach, and a season (8-10 games) of league play.
Spring season: Approximately 12 weeks of twice-weekly practices run by a professional coach, and a season (8-10 games) of league play.
Goalie-specific training sessions
Additional training sessions as determined by coaches
In additional, WOUFC expects to offer the following:
Optional winter training (TBD). Additional fee may apply.
Tournaments, based on team interest. Additional fee may apply.
PLEASE NOTE: This league is a year-long commitment that includes both a fall and a spring season. While we do our best to accommodate other sports and activities, to be fair to teammates and ensure the best opportunity for player development, we must ask that players prioritize all games and practices. If you have concerns about your ability to make this commitment, please contact Director of Coaching Sean Devore at to discuss. Players who are not able to make this commitment should register for Mountain Top League soccer.
FEES: The regular fee for 2024-2025 is $1,100. Payments are due as follows:
Due Date* Payment Amount
Upon registration $100 (non-refundable)
8/15/2023 $200
9/15/2023 $200
10/15/2023 $200
11/15/2023 $200
12/15/2023 $200
*After the initial payment, subsequent payments will be made by autodraft on the due date indicated. You will receive a reminder email prior to each payment date. To change your autodraft information, please contact
Practice Players – For players invited as practice players, the total fee will be $800.
Payments must be made through the Mountain Top website by the dates indicated above. Players with past due balances as of the start of the fall season will not be permitted to practice or play until full payment is received or other payment arrangements are made. Limited financial aid is available on a confidential basis. For further information or to make alternate payment arrangements, please contact our Registrar at
Sibling discount: There is a $50 discount for each additional child registered in the WO United Travel Soccer. After registering the children and making the first payment, please email our Registrar at with the players’ names to request the discount.
Preseason training sessions will be posted in TeamSnap.
Regular (twice-weekly) fall practices will start approx. September 3. The practice schedule will be finalized in August. Games will start in early September.
Girls' teams will play most games on Sundays. Make-ups may be scheduled on other days.
Boys' teams will play games on Saturdays or Sundays, depending on the league. Make-ups may be scheduled on other days.
Games are generally scheduled between 9am and 6pm.
An optional winter session will be offered, details TBD. An additional fee may be required.
Regular spring practices will begin in mid-March 2024. Practice schedules may change from fall to spring. The spring practice schedule will be finalized in February.
TO ACCEPT THIS INVITATION, please register your player by clicking on the Register Now button at the bottom of this page. Please note that there are two registration links one for CURRENT members of WOUFC and one for NEW members. Please make sure to use the correct registration link. You will receive an email confirmation upon successful completion of the registration process. If you do not receive a confirmation, please return to the site to complete your registration. You must register by midnight on June 30th to reserve your child's spot. After June 30th, open spots may be offered to players on the waitlist.
PARENTS: WE NEED YOU! WOUFC is run entirely by volunteers, with the exception of our professional coaching staff. Volunteers handle budgeting and finances, fundraising, player carding, team registration, team management, attendance at regular league meetings, fields, forecasting the weather, and basically everything other than coaching. If you would like to get involved, please reach out and/or check the Volunteer box as you complete your player's registration.
Please email with any questions.